Lotus Domino 又送新product 啦 ~~ 今次係Lotus Connections 3.01

好耐都無乜講過Lotus Domino 啦... 今日見到... 原來Lotus Domino 又送多件產品 ~

今次送 IBM Connections 3.0.1 Files and Profiles applications for Lotus Notes 8.5.3






Lotus on linux 點樣解決 ulimit 警告 ?

如果新install lotus domino 係 linux , 隨時會出警告 Maximum number of file handles allowed for Domino is 1024






答信時間 : lotus domino for windows 轉linux 點搞好?

來信 :


Hi Gary,

Now, I am running domino 7 on win 2003 server. I want to upgrade to domino 8.5, but run on linux. Is it very difficult and trouble? Can you give me some advice? Thank you for your attention!


(大意係想由lotus domino 7 for windows 轉去 8.5 , 有乜要注意)



有間德國公司轉用Ubuntu 加Lotus Domino ~

最近成日有客問, 佢地升唔升及去Lotus Domino R8.5 , 定係轉去Exchange ....

咁我都係揾D 好消息講下先 ~




有間德國保險公司 LVM Versicherungen ,將10000 部電腦由Windows 轉移做Ubuntu ....

人地個理賠系統, 用Java 寫, 加埋Open Office, Lotus Domino 同埋PDF 組成,  咁緊係Easy 啦 ....

Notes 8.5的搜尋功能怪怪地 ~~

大家升級上Lotus Notes 8.5 之後, 有無發覺怪怪地?


例如當你搜尋 (search) 個陣, 有無發覺結果怪怪地?

例如舊版的search bar 打入 'gary au' , 結果是一定有 'gary au' 這個字, 但係新版 (8.5) 會出現 'gary wong in Australia' , ' gary chan 's automobile' 等結果 ....